New artist mini books from Becca Stadtlander & Liam Stevens
Hope you all had happy holidays and a merry new year! We were so busy that we didn't get a chance to properly introduce you to our two latest releases... Becca Stadtlander's Night Home and Liam Stevens' installment in the Living Things Series, Amazon.
Becca liked working on her Living Things Vol 6 so much that she was inspired to make another mini book of drawings, this time all about the night, and asked us if we would like to publish it. Naturally we said yes and lo and behold, the lovely Night Home! It has a beautiful wintery wrap-around painting on the cover and inside you'll find an array of nocturnal inkwash images that create an enigmatic atmosphere from a forgotten time.
London-based Liam Stevens brings a whole new level of artistry to the Living Things Series with his amazing contribution! He chose the Amazon as his theme and constructed multiple paper-cut dioramas of lush jungle and river life. Climbing monkeys, schools of fish, and vine-laden trees get an extra dimension in Liam's playful style, but are just as charming in their contrasting 2-D arrangements. This is a work of great detail that deserves to be examined and re-examined to appreciate all of its nuances.