SF: Jennie Smith at Rena Bransten Gallery

San Francisco artist Jennie Smith (who recently created two great cards for us as well as several amazing poster calendars) has a new art show called "Sending Out A Song" opening this Thursday at the Rena Bransten Gallery. Jennie is an incredibly talented artist and her work is the kind that must be seen in-person (and if you go to the opening you can meet Jennie herself!). Here is the description of her show from Rena Bransten's site:

Jennie Smith’s delicate graphite drawings and watercolors continue to express her concern with specific ecological issues, such as the floating continent of plastic debris known as the great Pacific Garbage Patch, the migration of indigenous people, and the ecosystems of small, vulnerable animals. Equally enchanted by natural phenomena – wind, animal habitat, whale songs – and the creative, mythical, and crafted remnants of the human world, Smith responds with metaphorical renderings that entwine narrative threads to describe the gravity or wonder of her subjects and their relationships to the forces of nature. She says, “I draw what is close to me, what is beyond my physical reach, and what is from the realm of the imagined.”

Jennie Smith
Sending Out a Song
March 21 - May 4, 2013
Reception: Thursday, March 21, 5:30-7:30pm

Rena Bransten Gallery
77 Geary Street (between Kearny and Grant)
San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 982-3292

 image from Rena Bransten Gallery

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