SeriPop tshirts for Zum
Montreal's design and silkscreen posse SeriPop were kind enough to design this Tshirt for some illicit objects (records okay?). We met Chloe and Yannick when they came to Oakland with their band AIDS Wolf, who rule.
US / Canadian relations have been tense of late - SF's own NRSZ got held up at the border for some reason unknown to me, but we can bridge the friendship border with some of youse out there purchasing this Can/American collaborative Tshirt, printed by Emeryville-based YesPress. This is also a promotion for the label that Yvonne and I started, Zum. We have done a few shirts in the past but this is the most elaborate design so far!
These are available in the Valencia Street store, along with a few of the super limited (only eight!) American Apparel tote bags pictured here, sans the Ben Grimm color scheme. The shirts are printed on mint Fruit of the Loom cotton.