hello Portland, hello Kirk

It is with a tinge of sadness but a lot of excitement that we're moving our publishing headquarters (and home) from SF to Portland. After many years of flirting with the idea, we are finally heading north. We look forward to being able to better devote our time to making bigger and better projects and finding new artists to collaborate with. While we'll miss the daily interactions with customers in the store, we will still be filling online orders and handling all LO-related correspondence. But don't fret, we're keeping our San Francisco storefront open with the help of a lovely fellow known as Kirk. He's a recent transplant from Minnesota and super nice, so feel free to stop by and welcome him to the neighborhood.

We look forward to coming back often for the store, for our printers, and friends and family so we won't say any big goodbyes. We will however apologize to anyone waiting on orders as we're out of commission until the end of the week. Ok, back to packing!

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